This too shall pass

My new mantra for 2024.

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it's only natural to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the past twelve months. The year behind us has been undeniably difficult, filled with unforeseen hurdles and unprecedented global events that have tested our resilience both personally, and professionally.  However, as we cautiously step into the unknown of the year ahead, it's essential to remember the age-old adage: "This too shall pass. 

Difficult times are profound teachers, offering lessons that shape our character and perspective. As we look back on the struggles of the past year, let's consider the resilience we discovered within ourselves and the importance of community and support systems. The difficulties we faced have likely fostered a newfound appreciation for the things we once took for granted –  our loved ones, our freedom, and the power of people. 

The phrase "This too shall pass" has echoed through centuries, offering solace to those weathering storms of all kinds. It serves as a reminder that change is inevitable, and even the darkest moments have an expiration date. As we enter the new year, carrying the weight of the challenges we've overcome, let's find hope and strength in the understanding that difficult times are temporary. Embracing this perspective allows us to approach the future with courage and a sense of resilience that can withstand whatever lies ahead.

Bring it on ⚡️

Carly Nemtean


Its not us, Its them