Contract VS Full time

As a small business, the idea of growing my team is always overwhelming. The costs associated and the work that needs to be brought in consistently is another hurdle. Looking at the idea of contract/ freelance workers vs. hiring a full-time associate has been an ongoing conversation within the design and architecture industry. Weighing the pros and cons can be a tiring and isolated process. 

From our and other professionals' experiences, here are our top pro's and cons;

PRO: Cost savings:

Hiring contract workers can often be more cost-effective than hiring full-time associates, especially if the organization only needs the worker for a limited amount of time or for a specific or scope.

CON: Limited access:

If you have tight timelines or need things pushed out quickly this may not always work out. A freelancer's schedule is filled with other projects and clients that may not align with your timelines and you can get pushed to the sidelines. 

PRO: Specialized expertise:

Contract workers can bring specialized skills and expertise to a project or organization. This can be especially valuable for short-term projects or projects that require a specific set of skills that may not be available in-house.

CON: Limited Control:

Because your freelancer is an independent contractor, they may change their fees, schedule and services often as a result of what they are currently managing. This can result in risk of inconsistency, less investment in long-term relationships, and a shortfall in your work process and outcomes. 

Either way,  in your decision to grow your firm, make sure to weigh your options and ask other peers what works for them, Good luck in your search! 


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